Expert Care for the Uncovery of Impacted Teeth

Impacted Teeth

Do you have an impacted tooth?
Some people going through braces have an impacted tooth (usually a canine or “I-tooth”) that needs to be brought down. Usually the tooth is in a position that is below the gum tissue and/or below the bone. Your orthodontist will notify you that you will need a minor surgical procedure to expose the impacted tooth.

How can we help you?
As Periodontal Specialists, Dr. Meyers and Dr. Javadi have advanced training in exposing impacted teeth. We will work with your orthodontist to plan for your surgery.

How do you do the procedure?
The procedure is very minor and is done with local anesthesia. The gum tissue is carefully reflected back over the area where the impacted tooth is. The tooth is exposed and a small bracket is bonded to the tooth. A small chain that is connected to the bracket is brought through a small window of gum tissue. Your orthodontist will then connect the chain to the rest of your braces and begin to slowly move the tooth into position.